Carbon Monoxide

Energy Safe Victoria recommend that you have your gas heater serviced every two years.

Carbon monoxide is a silent killer – you can’t see it smell it or taste it. The only way to to keep your family safe is to have your gas heater serviced regularly.

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal or cause chronic illness. It is sometimes difficult to diagnose. Symptoms can include:

  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Mild or severe headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Weakness and sleepiness

If the poisoning is extreme it may lead to confusion, loss of consciousness and death. Loss of consciousness can occur quickly if CO concentrations are high.

Some people are especially sensitive to CO. They include people with young children, unborn babies,heart disease, anaemia and the elderly.


  • Make sure you have your gas heater serviced by a licensed gasfitter.
  • Make sure the gasfitter you choose uses a carbon monoxide analyser.
  • Have all your gas heaters serviced a minimum of every two years.
  • If you live in rental accommodation make sure your landlord or agent arranges to have gas heater serviced regularly.
  • If your heater shows any signs of problems (including yellow flames, soot or going out after a short time) have it inspected immediately.